The woman's dream man Obat Pembesar Penis Vimax is a woman who is good at but do not show off their versatility.
Aisha Saidatina r.a. is an intellectual heroine and also a role model for every woman solehah. A total of 2,210 valid hadith has been narrated for 9 years living with the Messenger of Allah He is fuqoha '(jurists) Medina who is knowledgeable in the field of medicine.
8. Not mempamerkan to-seksian "The woman who dressed but naked real man to seek attention, the sway-lenggokkan body, whose head is like a hump (hump) camel, they will not enter heaven". (Hadith Reported by Muslim) Know ye, O woman, that man likes to see that sexy body, but was limited to just love and lust of men to have sex with you for once and you will be forgotten forever, not want to marry you.
9. Not Nagging Men do not like women who nag nag because a man will lose prestige in the eyes of his friends and always keep communication with you.
10. Understanding Men Example: A woman contacted the man by saying: "That's my brother! Fun work wrote. Selfish, not remember back to the house, Inexhaustible with dude ... dude ... dude ... I'm at home a lot of work, anak2 nanya his father kept from before, what should I kerjakaan everything myself! "
It turns out that actually occur in men are: "He was an employee, the boss continued meeting until 7 pm. Drop Maghrib prayers in the mosque. There are preachers idol (or've been wanting atmosphere Da'wah assemblies). Listen to the lecture so pray 'Isha. On the way home, an old friend asked conference call in the shop there are important things he said. 10 pm just got home ".
After all fatigue beyond. Got home, Men only hope was greeted with a smile, but that was found was his wife greeted with a scowl and stare emotion.
11. Not too jealous "Do not be jealous, but in two cases, namely Agen Bola Terpercaya someone who has dikurniakan God and treasure spent in Allah and those who dikurniakan science, and he teaches based on his knowledge to others (Al-Quran and Hadith)" (narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim ).
12. Cool eye can see Be polite, was always sweeten advance. Was always a smile. Close the genitals. Friendly and cordial. Lower his gaze.
8. Not mempamerkan to-seksian "The woman who dressed but naked real man to seek attention, the sway-lenggokkan body, whose head is like a hump (hump) camel, they will not enter heaven". (Hadith Reported by Muslim) Know ye, O woman, that man likes to see that sexy body, but was limited to just love and lust of men to have sex with you for once and you will be forgotten forever, not want to marry you.
9. Not Nagging Men do not like women who nag nag because a man will lose prestige in the eyes of his friends and always keep communication with you.
10. Understanding Men Example: A woman contacted the man by saying: "That's my brother! Fun work wrote. Selfish, not remember back to the house, Inexhaustible with dude ... dude ... dude ... I'm at home a lot of work, anak2 nanya his father kept from before, what should I kerjakaan everything myself! "
It turns out that actually occur in men are: "He was an employee, the boss continued meeting until 7 pm. Drop Maghrib prayers in the mosque. There are preachers idol (or've been wanting atmosphere Da'wah assemblies). Listen to the lecture so pray 'Isha. On the way home, an old friend asked conference call in the shop there are important things he said. 10 pm just got home ".
After all fatigue beyond. Got home, Men only hope was greeted with a smile, but that was found was his wife greeted with a scowl and stare emotion.
11. Not too jealous "Do not be jealous, but in two cases, namely Agen Bola Terpercaya someone who has dikurniakan God and treasure spent in Allah and those who dikurniakan science, and he teaches based on his knowledge to others (Al-Quran and Hadith)" (narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim ).
12. Cool eye can see Be polite, was always sweeten advance. Was always a smile. Close the genitals. Friendly and cordial. Lower his gaze.
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