Effective use of pesticides should memperhatikanharga pesticide are relatively expensive and time cuacapada conditions of use.
• Fungicides are widely used Dithane M45. Bactericide not known by many farmers in Indonesia.
SUNDULBET AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA • Prevention of pests and diseases do denganpenyemprotan insecticide and fungicide usage turns sekalidengan week.
• To prevent attacks that terdapatdalam soil nematodes (especially during the rainy season), first treated with Furadan3G ground, with a dose of 25-30 kg / ha.
• On the ground that the provision of high population Furadandapat given 2-3 times during pertumbuhangandum, ie at the time of planting, germinate danmasa reproductive period.
• Method of administration to spread over permukaantanah or mixed with fertilizer.
6. Supply water
• Water is necessary since the phase of germination sampaifase mature milk, the number and distribution yangmerata.
• At the ripe yellow phase until harvest, not diperlukantambahan water, even the weather is sunny and hot dapamempercepat maturation.
• The need for a real water (actual water requirement) untukgandum is above the need for corn dansorgum, but under the need for rice.
• According to the results of the experiment for three years in AkronColorado (Bear, 1959), real water needs untukjagung, 0.2576 m3 for each dry matter production.
• If this is used as the standard, hence the need untukgandum 140 percent, 190 percent rice and sorghum 90persen.
• The water requirement for the plant is untukmenentukan instructions selamapertumbuhan the amount of water needed, ie for jaringaSeniorAgen.com Agen Bola Tangkas Online Terpercaya dan Terbaik 2014ntanaman formation during vegetative phases, transpiration and evaporation.
• The amount of water required by the plants that the truth (real) is known from the experimental results.
• The amount of water required by the crop estimates / calculations from theory and existing data bervariasitergantung type of plant, soil and climate.
• According Schlehuber and Tucker (1967), stating that the trial diKansas relatively untukgandum water needs around 330-392 mm, 333-366 mm in barley, maize 602-691 mm, 732-927 mm alfalfa and rice 700-900 mm.
• It turns out that wheat and barley is a plant requires little water yangpaling relative.
7. Harvesting
BOLA PELANGI AGEN BOLA SBOBET IBCBET CASINO 338A TANGKAS TOGEL ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA• If 80% of the clumps have panicle, straw, stems and leaves dry up and turn yellow.
• If 20% of the panicles have a full fledged section, where the wheat grain has been pretty hard when dipijittangan, then it's time to harvest wheat.
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