Monday, March 17, 2014


One of vegetables which are generally used as a cooking spice consumed in the fresh form. However, there also are used as processed materials such as: chili sauce, chili powder, and pickles. Nutrient content of red chili is generally quite high, especially vitamins and minerals. Red chili also contains a variety of vitamins such as A, B, C, calcium, phosphorus, fats and proteins. In order to develop the necessary arrangement of red chilli c Judi Poker Online Uang Asli Indonesia ropping pattern in accordance with the demand and development of advanced technologies to support increased productivity
A. Preparation of Land
Land cleared of the remnants of the previous tanman, then processed and dried for up to several days (7-14 days). Subsequently made beds as a planting medium. Beds about 12 m long, with a width of 110-120 cm, 40-50 cm tall. Between the two beds made ditch to enter and drain the water. Proceed with manure and agricultural lime is mixed with soil seedbed evenly while inverted, and then dried to less than 2 weeks
B. Seeding

Seeds soaked with water first, the floating discarded, before sowing the seeds soaked in 10% hypochlorite solution for 10 minutes.
Media nursery is a mixture of soil and manure (1:1) and Furadan 1 kg/10m2 ground. Then seed sowing, the seedbed should be given shade, and a position facing east.
After 5 days the seeds germinated seedlings were transferred to polybags which has been prepared, to increase the adaptability and ability to grow when transferred to the field.
Watering is done regularly nursery is 1-2 times / day or depending on the weather and spraying foliar fertilizer low dose 0.5gr / l of water when the young plants 10-15 days.
Good seedlings to be transplanted is 5-9
C. Installation White Black plastic mulch (MPHP)

Before installation MPHP need fertilizer fertilizers in total as well. When the beds 12 m long, 60-70 cm spacing, it will contain 40 plants. So the amo
Bintaro Xchange Mall  unt of fertilizer needed 4 kg, consisting of ZA: Urea: TSP: KCL with 3:1:2:1.5 comparison with records for every 100 kg of fertilizer mixture was added to 1 kg and 1.5 kg Furadan borate. Once the average spread fertilizer, mixed with soil seedbed, then flush with water soluble fertilizer that soil layer.
Pemasanga MPHP done when blistering (pk 14:00 to 16:00) to the plastic expands and extends to cover the soil covered as much as possible. Let stand for 5 days for soluble fertilizers in the soil and does not harm the chili seeds are planted.
D. Planting
The day before planting beds that have been made of plastic mulch dituup planting hole first with a spacing of 60-70 cm. 6-8 cm diameter hole, can be done with a piece of iron pipe. Most seedlings ready to be planted after the age of 17-23 days or 2-4 leafy strands. Before Transplanting immediately flush with clean water to taste, along with polybagnya soaked in a solution of fungicide or bactericide at a dose of 0.5 -1.0 g / liter of water for 15-30 minutes. After a fairly dry cropping media, chili seeds carefully removed and planted in the holes that the land had been raised before about the size of polybags.
E. Maintenance

Watering: In the dry season is done routinely ever
Mall di Jakartay day, after a strong perakaranya plants, the next irrigation is done by in LEB every 3-4 days. Or the system kocoran flowed through the hose between 4 plants, the hose inserted into a hole in the middle MPHP beds

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