Sunday, June 1, 2014

to stimulate perlumbuhan basil leaves continuously

Basil needs to get additional fertilizer that contains nitrogen , urea sepeni . This element is important to stimulate perlumbuhan basil leaves continuously . Fertilization is done during the first 3 weeks old plants . Fertilization second 5 -week old plants . Whenever picking , give 3 g of nitrogen fertilizer per plant . Urea fertilizer requirements for the basil plant is 150 kg / ha .
Pests and Diseases Agen Judi Poker dan Domino Uang Asli IndonesiaPests and diseases that attack the very few basil plants . Even farmers are very rare basil insecticide spraying . This spraying is avoided for fear of residue remains on the leaves are harvested regularly . Nonetheless , if found caterpillars that attack the leaves of basil in large quantities , can be done as much control with insecticides Azodrin 20-30 cc / 1 water ; or Diazinon 60 EC at a dose of 1-2 cc / 1 water .
Harvest and Post Harvest
Since the age of 50 days after planting , can already be picked basil leaves . Perform picking on young leaves as do the plucking tea shoots . The flush will stimulate the growth of new branches that allow more new shoots grow . New shoots can be harvested in the next harvest period .
Harvest basil shoots can be done up to the old -old plants . If you want a long -lived plant , jangan.biarkan until flowering and fruiting . Separate plants specifically for its nut as seedlings . In this way , the plant to be taken bud produkdvitasnya undisturbed . Another alternative to leaving one or two branches that are left flowering and fruiting . Once the seed is old branches trimmed . Usually basil plucked along 15 cm . If you want to be marketed basil together in a small bond containing 5-10 rod . (Source : )
Harvest and Post Harvest basil or mint or basil cool name is one of the main plant " must have" for lovers of vegetable crops . Because in addition to nutritious herbs , fragrant and delicious basil served directly to or added to various recipes . Of vegetables , vegetable nodes until spaghetti will be more special and delicious with basil . Basil is composed of various types of holy basil , thai basil , dark opal basil , etc. .And the good news is very easy basil bred from seeds or stem cuttings . Treatment was not difficult , it's just the rich soil / fertilized the result would be much nicer . I just sprinkled the seeds with a distance of 2-3 cm in polybags and other containers ( tin cans or milk biscuits ) and then flush and wait a few days then the rise of small basil plants . For maintenance ( unless you live in the desert ) you only have to water once a single day is enough and do not need to laboriously in the rainy season . Judi Poker Online dan Domino Kiu Kiu Uang Asli IndonesiaAfter a great start and lush plants you are able to harvest at the same time doing trimming / pruning , and is part of the fun parts ya have you cut the stem and leaves you petiki can be planted again in a way that is directly plugged into the ground and put on a shady moist until the new shoots .About these ads

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