Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Pumpkin seed harvest time about 135 days

Pumpkin seed harvest time about 135 days after sowing, marked with yellow fruit that has been dried and the fruit stalk. Pumpkin fruit is harvested by cut the stem with a knife
seed processing
Pumpkin fruit is cut crosswise, seeds removed and then washed. Furthermore seeds wrapped in paper and dried. Average in the fruit of pumpkin produced about 150 seeds.
drying seeds
Pumpkin seeds wrapped dried in the sun for ± 3 days. after
seed moisture content reaches about
packaging of seeds
The seeds or pumpkin seeds can be packaged in paper, but it would be better if you use aluminum foil packaging, because it is airtight. If you allow the air in the box with aluminum foil also sucked out using a vacuum (vacuum), so the initial seed moisture content can be maintained.
The first harvest can begin in 50-60 days after planting. Pumpkin harvest is done continuously at intervals of 2-3 times per week.
Seed storage
The seeds are packed in paper should be stored in glass jars that have been given a desiccant material, such as silica gel; charcoal; ash, so the air inside the jar diharapkant etap dry and can maintain the initial seed moisture content. For seeds were packed in aluminum foil packaging should also be stored in a closed container jars. Furthermore jars stored in a dry and cool. If possible can be stored in a seed

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Nämä eläimet on erillinen sukupuolielimiä

Nämä eläimet on erillinen sukupuolielimiä tai diocious, on ovipora muna ja sperma on lukuisia ja mikroskooppinen. Parent simpukoita seksiä kypsä siittiöiden ja muna veteen niin, että sekoitetaan ja sitten hedelmöitys tapahtuu, hedelmöittynyt munasolu jälkeen 24 tuntia sitten kuoriutuvat ja kehittyä toukat sitten kasvaa sylki, joka on edelleen planktisten vuotiaaksi asti 15-20 päivää myöhemmin siemenet / sylkäisi pitävät alustan ja tulee aikuisen sinisimpukat (Parent) jälkeen 5-6 kuukautta myöhemmin.


Sijainti vihreä simpukka viljelyalan odotetaan täytettävä seuraavat vaatimukset:
Suojassa voimakkaita virtauksia. Vältä korkea suolapitoisuus vaihtelut. Sandy mutapohja, ja kaukana vaikutuksesta suurten jokien. On olemassa
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Keräily siemenet / sylki-imuria voidaan käyttää köysi valmistettu kookos kuitu, polyeteeni köysi, köysi kehruukuidut. Collector köydet ripustettu vedet, jotka sisälsivät monia vihreitä simpukka siemen. Luonnollisesti siementen (sylki) on kiinnitetty köysi keräilijä sitten siirretään astiaan, viljelyn. Paikkoihin, joita ei ole tehty vihreä simpukka siemeniä, elinsiirrot ottaa muilta alueilta.

Menetelmä nostaa

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Palma puede crecer bien en altitudes

Palma puede crecer bien en altitudes 3-1700 m. Nivel idealmente al 400-1500 msnm. Aren producirá savia que muchos en la zona durante el día el clima es caliente (25-32 grados C), mientras que en la noche la temperatura del aire es bastante frío (15-20 grados C).

Además del clima, los factores que afectan la cantidad de savia es el tratamiento del agua y la fertilización, la salinidad, la disponibilidad de agua del suelo, semillas de calidad, y el más importante es el trato humano. Cuando el nervio central de la hoja de palma humana cortada demasiado así que las hojas se quedan sólo un poco, entonces la savia de la producción había caído drásticamente.

En base a entrevistas con seis personas tapping agricultores de palma en el norte de Sumatra, concluimos las siguientes características de un buen árbol de palma.

1.Batangnya grande.
2.Pelepah grandes hojas.
3.Daunnya anchura y longitud.
4.Akarnya formar un muñón, cuanto más alto mejor. Fibras de las raíces finas
Las raíces y los tocones de un diámetro de tronco.
Mayangnya 5.Lengan es la magnitud y no demasiado

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6.Buahnya numerosos y grandes (> 4 cm).
7.Ijuknya muchos lisa, rugosa no todos.
8.Saat que la floración las hembras, no hay otras palmeras cercanas son también en las mujeres floración.

Las palmeras son los ocho criterios anteriores es para ser utilizado como un cultivo potencial árbol. Está tomado de las semillas de los frutos maduros que están en el exterior de la Virgen, o la mitad de los hilos superiores Vírgenes. Las frutas se encuentran dentro de la Virgen, mal hecha que va a sembrar.


Cómo hacer que las semillas de palma:
Fruta en los árboles viejos cortados en la mitad de los racimos mayangnya la parte inferior, y luego se desecha. Restante fruta madura y la caída deja solo.

El fruto se recoge en un lugar expuesto al sol, luego se acercó a la ruptura. Entonces regado y seca. La mitad de un mes más tarde las semillas se toman luego se
Kontes SEO 2014 lava. Tenga cuidado al hacerlo, ya que es muy picante fruto de la palma. Cuando se expone a la savia que picar, lavar con jabón y luego lave con ceniza de cáscara de arroz. Cuando la inflamación ocurre, inmediatamente al médico.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Chicken demand in the market is always increase over time.

Chicken demand in the market is always increase over time.
However, it turns out it would offset any lack of existing stock. agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya By overwhelming demand, the opportunity to become a producer / supplier of chicken are very promising. With a time of 55 days (less than two months) you can already feel the results of this business.
Chicken commonly cultivated by farmers in Indonesia by diumbar, or chickens allowed to roam and feed themselves. However, this method has seen less economic value if the purpose of maintenance for profit oriented. Pattern maintenance intensive chicken is a way that can be profitable as a business. Demand for chicken meat sizeable provide lucrative business opportunities for intensive chicken farming.
Treatment chicken reared intensively have a little difference with the traditional way of chicken care. In addition to requiring extra attention also feeding problems should be regulated. Maintaining intensive chicken has forte, which is easier to control the disease.

In order for the super chicken agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayafarming can be managed intensively, necessary management and good governance and true. There are several factors that determine the success of the cultivation of intensive chicken. Factors considered important in the cultivation of intensive chicken, among others:
Seeds chicken or better known as the DOC is important to note. If the purpose of maintenance is taken for the purpose of chicken meat, then choose the DOC of chicken breeds are big and fast growth priority. In addition, a chicken hatchery seed (DOC) must be on time (21 days) is not too fast or too long.

The characteristics of the DOC that have good quality, among others, stand upright, healthy and not disabled, eyes shining, perfectly absorbed navel, fur clean and shiny. Do not forget to provide age-appropriate vaccinations DOC.

A. PROBLEM IN CHICKEN FEED VILLAGE agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya
Feed the chicken plays a fairly important in determining the growth of chicken. However to actually feed chicken to chicken feed is not as complicated as others such as broilers, laying hens and others.
Feed ingredients that can be provided include: concentrate, bran, corn. In addition to the food manufacturers can also be given as an alternative feed the rest of the kitchen / shop, bakery BS, crushed instant noodles, vermicelli BS, agen poker online texas poker yang terpercayaand so forth. The alternate feed enough so that the production could save biaaya chicken business profits can meningkat.CARA VILLAGE CHICKEN FEED - Chicken village actually has a high economic value. But it can not be a reliable source of economy for the moment. The problem is caused because the chicken farm business management has not been effective and efficient. According to Prof. Edjeng Suprijatna, Professor of Animal Husbandry, University of Diponegoro (UNDIP) Semarang, chicken livestock ineffectiveness during system maintenance is made ​​in Umbaran. In models of this kind of chicken maintenance, according to the disease is difficult to control and feed efficiency is also very low, so it is not profitable.

According to Prof. Edjeng Suprijatna, ways to make chicken farm more profitable and improve the welfare of the community, even the export potential is the chicken farm that stabled. It is important to facilitate the control of the disease and health is maintained. As this disease is known for "annual" often attack livestock chicken Umbaran sporadically. agen poker online texas poker yang terpercaya

The advantages of the system are housed cattle chicken is a chicken mortality rate can be reduced significantly. In addition to health concerns, some chicken vices can also be reduced with a model like this. For example, the nature of the brood, the brood of genetically engineered trait can be reduced.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

connected to the midrib and petiole rather long.

connected to the midrib and petiole rather long. The flowers are dark yellow, uniquely shaped and clustered the lateral inflorescence, [1]. slender stalk and line-shaped scales, stem length 9cm - 23cm wide and 4cm - 6cm, leafy protector much longer than or comparable with the crown of flowers. MASTERPOKER88.COM JUDI POKER ONLINE UANG ASLI INDONESIA RESMI DAN TERPERCAYA Hairy white petals, length 8mm - 13mm, tubular flower crown with an overall length of 4.5cm, blade-shaped flowers are white with a round elongated tip red or red dice, 1.25cm length - 2cm and 1cm wide, while the flesh-colored rhizome dark orange or brown, pungent and bitter sting [4]. Utilization Rhizome meeting buffoonery sold in the market.
In Indonesia, the only part that is used is the rhizome meeting buffoonery to be made godog herbs. The rhizome contains 48 to 59.64% starch, 1.6 to 2.2% and from 1.48 to 1.63% curcumin and essential oils are believed to enhance kidney function and anti-inflammatory. Another benefit of the rhizome of this plant is as a remedy acne, increased appetite, anti-cholesterol, anti-inflammatory, anemia, antioxidant, cancer prevention, and antimicrobial. Sentra planting
This plant is grown conventionally on a small scale using simple cultivation technology, because it is difficult to determine the position of the center of ginger cultivation in Indonesia. Almost in every rural area, especially at medium and high plains, ginger can be found primarily in a shady area. Aspects of Aquaculture
Seeds obtained from vegetatively propagated seedlings that grow from rhizomes was 9 months old or more, then the seeds ditunaskan first in damp and dark place
SARANAPOKER.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA for 2-3 weeks before planting [1]. Another way to get seeds is to cut the old rhizome freshly harvested and already has shoots (each piece consists of 2-3 buds), then dried by sun-dried for 4-6 days [2]. Ginger should be planted early in the rainy season that produced large rhizome, the plant should also be given shade [1].
Planting land cultivated with hoes 25-30 centimeters deep, and made beds, measuring 3-4 meters in length according to the size of the land, to facilitate drainage so that the roots are not waterlogged and rot [5]. Planting hole made with a size of 20 centimeters x 20 centimeters x 20 centimeters by 100 centimeters spacing x 75 inches, at each planting hole put 2-3 pounds of manure [1]. Planting seeds can also be done in the groove planting / rorak along the beds, then manure crops sown along the groove, then insert the seed rhizomes 7.5-10 centimeters deep with buds facing up [5].
Plant maintenance weeding is done with as much as 2-5 times, depending on the growth of weeds, while the land pembumbunan done when there are many rhizomes that grow poking out of the ground [1]. The best harvest time for meeting buffoonery at the age of 11-12 months as a result more and better quality than meeting buffoonery are harvested at the age of 7-8 months [5]. Harvesting is done by digging or disassemble the soil around the rhizome with a fork or hoe [1]. Growth
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Saturday, July 19, 2014

surface of the water and allow the water to seep

surface of the water and allow the water to seep by itself until all parts of the oasis setting. Do not press to speed oasis immersed in the water because it will cause no wet oasis perfectly.
     Cut Oasis in accordance with the size of the diameter of cuttings
     Oasis is cut to size to suit the size of cuttings.
     Plug ¾ deep cuttings media
     Cuttings plugged into pieces 2/3 long pieces deep oasis oasis
     Arrange the cuttings in a tray
     Cuttings arranged in a tray with the position of the leaves overlap to prevent decay.
     Place the cuttings in propagation Chamber
     Cuttings in propagation tray is placed in the chamber. Process until the root formation of cuttings ready ditrasplanting range 3-6 weeks

Similarly Way Jambu Air Madu cuttings, plant cuttings above can also be applied to hardwood, semi-woody, soft, and herbaceous.
He expressed, in terms of marketing for this is still done mouth to mouth. He has had a permanent agency to buy guava water.

Every single tree Water Guava, guava fruit Antonius could produce about 200 kilograms and is sold for Rp 13 thousand perkilogramnya. In one hectare of trees can be planted as many as 120 stems

"For now the most important is to cultivate a serious and treatment plants regularly so that maximum growth," he said. (as)

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Cropping pattern:
guava seeds can be planted in the garden by planting pattern / spacing of 8 x 8 m.

Planting hole:
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planting hole should be made ​​at the end of the dry season / rainy season ahead, so when the approaching rainy season, the plant has been established. Thus the new crop (rainy season) does not need to be watered twice a sehari.lebar x in = 1 x 1 x 0.5 m.

Planting Method:
guava seedlings planted into the planting hole measuring 60 x 60 x 60 cm. Need to pay attention to the depth of planting and planting time should be carried out exactly at the beginning of the rainy season and in the afternoon.

Plant maintenance
Stitching is done before the 1-month-old plants. Seeds that do not grow to be replaced with new seedlings are planted in the holes the same. Weeding is done with the intent to enrich the soil, removing weeds / weeds (if any) or animals hidden in the soil. By weeding can check the state of the soil layer.

Sumarwan (48) pebudidaya guava nectar MedanBisnis encountered in far
DAUNPOKER.NET AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYAms Marelan V Street West Market Environment II 2 Waterfall Village Medan District Marelan, Monday (2/12) said profit in the pot plant is reasonable, because it does not require large tracts of land .

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Cómo generativa vivero de la siguiente manera:

Cómo generativa vivero de la siguiente manera:

Tener árbol sementales superiores
Semillas para ser sembradas deben ser más que la semilla que plantar, por ejemplo, 500 planes plantador de semillas, lo que significa que sembramos semillas de 1000, es para hacer frente a la muerte de las plántulas.

Agen Judi Online    Preparando el terreno sembrando condiciones fértiles del suelo, muchos humus que contiene, superficie plana, y cerca de una fuente de agua.
Haciendo camino camas de siembra, 20 cm de profundidad dicanggkul suelo, y luego en forma de camas. La anchura y la longitud de las camas ajustables con semillas a ser sembradas. Si el lecho de siembra es más de un crea una pequeña zanja entre las camas y el otro, con una anchura de 50 cm y 10 cm de profundidad.
Creación de matriz. La distancia entre el perno de unos 20 cm. variedad hecha con longitud 80 cm, ancho 10 cm y 5-10 cm dalamnaya. perno es donde las semillas de la planta de noni. En la parte superior de camas equipadas sombra de hojas de palma, paja o cañas.
Preparación de semillas para ser plantadas, cómo, madura de noni con blanco y suave, y luego tomar las semillas y se lavó a fondo, frijoles secos que han sido limpia durante 1 semana.
Siembra Método: 1 Las semillas que están listos para ser colocado en una
Taruhan Bola Onlinematriz vertical y forrado, 2 cerrojo cerrado con una mezcla de arena y compost o estiércol... Así que cuando las plántulas se transfirieron a bolsas de plástico no romper la raíz. 3. Hacer regar 2-3 veces. 4. Si las hojas han crecido cuatro hilos que después se transfieren a una bolsa de plástico o bolsa de plástico.
El contenido multimedia de las bolsas de plástico consisten en el suelo, bien estiércol y paja en la proporción 1: 1: 1 Dimensiones de plástico 15 x 15 cm, en el momento de la transferencia de no cortar las raíces..
Listo para la siembra de plántulas en áreas abiertas cuando 1.5-2 meses de edad, con un tronco de 40 a 50 cm de tamaño.

¿Cómo de plántulas vegetativo (esquejes) de la siguiente manera:

Un material secundario esquejes se obtiene de la planta madre que bbagus.
Preparación de medidas bolso polivinílico 20 x 20 y llenos de medio de plantación plástico kkantong o.

Agen Judi Bola    Tallo de la planta se corta a unos 20 cm
Hojas existentes en los tallos de las plantas y Bi residuos reservando un tercio de la hoja.